A FOUNTAIN is a newsletter, sent out twice a week. There is only one parameter. Each week, the letter begins with an objective/object—a literal object (from a pen cap to the dust ball collected by the foot of your desk) or an objective (something aimed at, or sought out). How far it expands is up to you.

Each letter could be a poem, a story, a picture book, a list of exhortations, imperatives, even laments. “To write,” insists novelist George Perec in Species of Spaces and Other Pieces, “is to try meticulously to retain something, to cause something to survive; to wrest a few precise scraps from the void as it grows, to leave somewhere a furrow, a trace, a mark or a few signs.”

This is a weekly concurrence of shared notes. A chance to emphasize the disparate ephemera that ground the way we think, and spotlight the “stuff.”

Editorial Note

A FOUNTAIN is for loose change, notes passed through the dryer, a reoccurring thought, anything you might want to afford a little extra focused time to.

Subscribe to A FOUNTAIN

A newsletter with an objective. Once or twice a week.
